They say hindsight is 20/20. Many of us aren’t looking in the rearview mirror right now, though. Instead, we are looking ahead into an uncertain future. Have you been laid off recently? Furloughed? We might not know exactly when or how this situation with Covid-19 will end, but there are some definite steps you can take now to make sure that when it does end, you come out stronger and more prepared for your future.
1. Be positive. It is hard, and you have a whole range of emotions running through you. Keeping these emotions in check, while responding in a mature, well-mannered and professional way will help you in the long run. You want to leave on the best terms and with the best reputation for your future, whether they call you back to work or give you a reference.
2. Thank your employer. The owner or manager that lays you off because of the current crisis is under a lot of stress. Very likely, they hate the fact that they have to lay you off and earnestly want to keep you on. They have probably had a number of sleepless nights, and will have many more as they try to lead their team through this calamity. The impression you make now may go a long way toward positioning yourself to be recalled shortly.
3. Talk to Human Resources. Your HR representative will help you understand what you are entitled to. Ask about severance pay, final paycheck (including accrued sick and vacation pay), eligibility for employment benefits and review health insurance options (COBRA/Obamacare).
4. File for Unemployment. Contact your local office and start the paperwork. Your employer has been paying into this insurance fund for such a time as this. You may find it hard, but the benefit may be just enough to get you through to your next paycheck.
5. Grieve. Getting laid off is difficult no matter the cause. When you go home allow yourself time to grieve. Also, talk to your loved ones and mentors. They will help you through your situation with the love, emotional support, and guidance necessary to self-assess and to get back on your feet.
6. Take advantage of your time off. Now that you have time on your hands, use it to add skills and knowledge to your resume. Currently a number of Ivy League Universities are offering the opportunity to audit some of their on-line classes for free.
Or, read a book. Here is a list of the best business books of all time . Of course, you don’t have to read about business. You could sink into a novel or the biography of someone you admire. There are plenty of options.
7. Minimize expenses. Revisit your budget (or make one). Seek to eliminate all nonessential expenses like subscriptions, memberships and eating out. Your income is going to take a hit, and you need to adjust your lifestyle.
8. Stay In-touch. A big part of your life is with your former employer. Purposefully stay in touch with them and maintain positive relationships. Whether you return to this employer or ultimately part ways, your relationships are very likely to intersect with your career in the future.
Bonus tip: Write your boss, or former boss, a thank you note. As with most items on my list, this may not be easy. That said, you will certainly stand out among your peers when you do so. This again may aid in getting to return sooner or in receiving other support down the road.
This is a difficult time. It is okay to feel sad, but don’t let those emotions define your future. Address this challenge head-on. Use this as an opportunity to bond and spend more time with your family (properly socially-distanced, of course!). Stepping back, even involuntarily, can broaden your perspective of your work. One day, hopefully in the not-too-distant future, this period of economic turbulence will be in our rearview mirror. Let’s determine now to look back on this chapter knowing that we seized the moment…that we made the most of the opportunity that lies within these days.